Even with a lot of snow still good to go

The tour begins above Calenzana at a drinking water reservoir, parking is available here. You follow the path into the valley in the direction of “A Flatta”, a beautifully situated hotel with a restaurant and excellent cuisine. There is a spring halfway there, perfect for those who still want to top up their drinking water supplies with fresh spring water.

The further ascent follows the valley parallel to the Ruisseau de Frintogna. The steep mountain slopes of the northern flank of the mountain range and the many wooded passages ensure pleasant temperatures in summer. In winter, the sun does not even make it over the mountain peaks in large parts.

At the end of the former forest path, shortly after you have crossed a small stream for the second time, keep to the right. The path straight ahead leads to Monte Grosso up to almost 2000 m.
On the further ascent there are always wonderful views across the valley to the coast. The paths are in very good condition and there are no climbing passages or exposed areas. Only the last 100 meters are a bit steeper, but can be managed without any problems.

Arrived at Bocca u Saltu, there is a panorama at 1250 m that is worth seeing. Monte Grosso to the east, Monte Corona to the south and views extending beyond the coast to the west.
The descent on the west flank of the mountain range is hardly forested and invites you to enjoy the afternoon sun with many beautiful views.

The last part of the path deviates from the GR20 and descends into a small valley with old chestnut trees.
To get to the starting point, you have to keep right shortly after reaching the GR20, cross a small stream and shortly afterwards take the junction to the right again. This is not easy to find, but after a few meters you will reach an old dirt road that leads to the parking lot.

Dates of the hike

Total distance: 15734 m
Max elevation: 1242 m
Total climbing: 1265 m
Total time: 05:18:32
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