The King of the Corsican Mountains

At 2710 meters, Monte Cinto is the highest mountain in Corsica. I chose the climb of Haute Asco here.
This mountain tour is classified as difficult and is very exhausting. The path to the ridge follows the GR®20 and often leads over loose scree but is technically not too demanding. An early start is worthwhile, as the ascent is then mostly in the shade.

The first part of the route does not have major differences in altitude and follows the Ruisseau de Tighiettu. The stream is then crossed to the east via a small bridge and starting from there the path leads much steeper uphill through the rocks. Some places have been defused with iron chains. There are always passages along the way that invite you to rest and enjoy the view. For example, at around 2300 meters, to the left of the route is the easily overlooked, picturesque Lac d’Argento.

At the ridge, near the Pointe des Éboulis, the GR®20 is left and a good sense of direction is required. If you are not out and about with many other hikers during the high season, the markings are not always clearly visible. Parts of this trail lead steeply downhill and then uphill again, sometimes over huge boulders.

Once you reach the summit, the fantastic views are indescribable and make up for the effort many times over. When the weather is clear, visibility extends from coast to coast, from Sardinia to Genoa. The summit itself offers a complete 360-degree view.

However, the subsequent descent should not be underestimated. There is a risk of slipping due to a lot of loose scree, so hiking boots with a good profile and preferably hiking poles are a basic requirement for this tour.

Dates of the hike

Total distance: 14599 m
Max elevation: 2636 m
Total climbing: 1488 m
Total time: 07:31:12
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