From the capital to the northern outskirts

A mountain bike is not absolutely necessary for this tour. However, since I drive everything with the MTB, now this tour here also. There are many detours along the route, but for me the bike was a means to an end to get to the hotel and get to know the area a little. That’s the advantage of being able to pack the bike on the plane 😉

The bottom line is: the southern west coast of Corsica is also well worth seeing. There are many beautiful bays, fantastic sunsets, very nice people and perfect food – typically Corsica.

However, if you arrive with your own plane and bike, you should be prepared for the dutiful airport staff in Ajaccio (and that’s the way it has to be) to somehow push the “big” MTB through a scanner. Even if that means that tools for dismantling have to be organized, the individual parts packed in plastic bags disappear in the basement of the airport for a long time and the whole procedure takes a waaaay of time…

Data of the tour

Total distance: 82315 m
Max elevation: 405 m
Total climbing: 1478 m
Total time: 01:20:43
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