Running with magnificent views

The Revellata Peninsula is a worthwhile running destination. There are many paths there and most of them are also suitable for running. In the mountainbike part there are more details about the lighthouse and the research station.

From Calvi you walk up to the Revellata car park, this route describes a small detour along behind the gendarmerie.
On the peninsula, follow the access road to the lighthouse. Shortly before the gate to the research station, turn right through the small wall into a path and run back along the cliffs. There are wonderful views over the sea and the citadel of Calvi, with the mountains in the background.

Now the route leads along the rocky coast with many picturesque bays. This is part of the Sentier des Douaniers, that used to connect the villages of Corsica.
Arriving back in Calvi, you walk down to the port and if you want to the beach.

Route data

Total distance: 15285 m
Max elevation: 105 m
Total climbing: 339 m
Total time: 01:23:56
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