Across the Balagne

This tour is very varied and also runs largely on side roads. But there is hardly any vehicle traffic and you can relax and enjoy the small villages and the views of the Balagne. However, the more than 100 km and 2000 meters of altitude should not be underestimated. Since there is hardly any shade, spring and autumn are the best times of the year for this challenge.

From Calvi we go to Montemaggiore – as the name suggests, the first climb. From there we continue via the Bocca di Salvi to San Cesareo. The route from San Cesareo to Speloncato runs mostly flat along the northernmost mountain range of the island through small villages and with beautiful views.

After Speloncato, on the ascent to the Bocca di Battaglia, some racing cyclists will probably be faster. However, the following part of the tour, which is the most beautiful for me, cannot be reached by racing bike.
At the Bocca di Battaglia you turn left and follow the field path uphill for a while. On the stretch to Bocca A la Leggia there are wonderful views over the island. Then it’s a bit rocky downhill to the D963.

For the way back, depending on your mood – and of course your condition – many variations are possible. In my variant, you drive via Belgodère, then turn right down the valley and at the end of the little road turn left again past the Lac de Codole reservoir. You will then return to Calvi via Cateri and Lumio.

Data of the tour

Total distance: 105474 m
Max elevation: 1187 m
Total climbing: 2125 m
Total time: 08:04:27
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