Beautiful coast with picturesque bays

Below you can see two routes, one starts in Calvi and follows the coast northeast and the other in Lumio. This route heads inland and follows the coastline on the way back.
The sections along the coast run partly on paths and paths lined with shrubs. Since most Macchia plants have thorns, one or two scratches on the legs are inevitable. In the high season you will meet one or two hikers here, but with a little consideration this is not a problem.

The first beach you reach from Calvi is a pebble beach with colourful rounded stones just opposite Calvi. After that, rocky sections alternate with small picturesque bays. After Sant Ambroggio, the first stretch leads up to Lumio. Just before leaving the town, turn left in the direction of Clos Culombu. The path leads through the winery, which, by the way, has very good wines to offer. Then it’s back to Calvi.

The second route leads from Lumio through the hinterland, via Cateri up to the picturesque mountain village of Sant Antonino. Then you take the dirt road north down to Palmento. On the way down you will see the ruins of Sant Anghjulu on the right.
After L’Île-Rousse you turn right down to the Plage de Bodri. Now rocky sections alternate with sandy bathing bays. It is therefore advisable to have your bathing suit with you. Even if the path is sometimes not easy to discover, it is worth following the coastline.
The final section follows the road back up to Lumio.

Data of the tour 1

Total distance: 35141 m
Max elevation: 211 m
Total climbing: 527 m
Total time: 02:54:41

Data of the tour 2

Total distance: 41310 m
Max elevation: 500 m
Total climbing: 984 m
Total time: 03:25:05
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