Impressive rock formations

The starting point for this demanding mountain hike without any climbing passages is again the Forêt de Bonifatu. In the main season, when the weather is good, there are some hikers and you can also meet one or the other mountain runner.
We start towards Refuge de Carozzu along the Ruisseau de Figarella. Up to the Carozzu hut it is pleasantly cool in the shade of the trees and you can make good progress on the good paths.

There is a suspension bridge at almost 1000 m to cross the Ruisseau de Lamitu. In the further course there are two streams to cross, which is not easy depending on the water level. In late spring, summer and autumn, however, it is usually possible without any problems.

Shortly before reaching the Carozzu hut you will meet the GR20. There is the possibility to make a small detour to the right into the Spasimata valley to the suspension bridge of the same name. If you continue to follow this path (stage 3 of the GR20), you will come to the Bocca di Stagnu.

After passing the Carozzu hut, the path becomes rockier and steeper and the shady trees slowly disappear.
Arriving at the 1865 m high Bocca Innominata, the view of the Corsican mountains is fantastic and makes up for all the effort.
The descent then follows the same route.

Dates of the hike

Total distance: 15978 m
Max elevation: 1859 m
Total climbing: 1505 m
Total time: 05:37:56
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