Canistrelli, cheese and water

The starting point of this tour is Calvi again. You follow the road towards Lumio or alternatively the path described in the “Clos Landry” running route. At the second roundabout in front of Camp Raffalli, keep right and then left again. The small road is hardly used and you have your “peace” on the bike.

Later, when the road bends to the left, continue straight ahead and come to Calenzana via a dirt road. This is where the legendary long-distance hiking trail GR20 begins and the hiking tour to Monte Grosso or to Bocca u Saltu also starts in Calenzana.

Incidentally, in Calenzana there are very tasty Canistrelli, typical Corsican biscuits with chestnut flour, figs and all sorts of other delicious ingredients. The Biscuiterie E Fritelle is a good address for this. Delicious Corsican cheese such as “Le Vieux Calenzana” is also made here by hand.

The GPX track also includes a detour to A Flatta, a beautifully situated Domaine Hotel with a restaurant.

The rest of the route leads along the northern slope of the massif, past the d’Alziprato winery and the spring that supplies the Zilia water to the village of Zilia. In front of here you have a nice view of the valley and there are also Canistrelli. “Les biscuits de Zilia” are also highly recommended. I like the Cuggiulelle Châtaigne best, but like everything, that’s just a matter of taste.

With Canistrelli in our luggage, we head back to Calvi via Lunghignano and Montemaggiore.

Data of the tour

Total distance: 48718 m
Max elevation: 433 m
Total climbing: 857 m
Total time: 05:02:16
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