Little known but Beautiful

The ascent to Monte Corona with its 2144 m from the Maison Forestière de Bonifatu is not technically demanding and runs on well-maintained hiking trails up to the “Bocca di Tartagine” ridge. Nevertheless, this is a strenuous day tour, to be rated as “difficult” and especially in summer the heat has to be considered.
The trail follows a stream in the Forêt de Bonifatu with ancient pines, golden eagles and bathing pools. Later the path branches off to the right to the Refuge de l’Ortu di u Piobbu. The GR20 passes here and you can fill up the water supplies with fresh spring water.
From the Piobbu hut you pass through a sparse birch forest, which is light green in spring and yellow in autumn.
From the Bocca di Tartagine there are only sparse markings, which are mostly limited to piles of stones made by hikers. However, finding your way along the broad ridge of the north ridge is not too difficult.
When you reach the summit, you have an unbelievable panorama in front of you. The entire north of Corsica is at your feet and on a good day you can see as far as the mainland. To the south you have the central massif of the Corsican mountains with the over 2700 m high Monte Cinto in front of you.
The descent follows the same route. There is an alternative way back from the Piobbu hut to the Refuge de Carozzu. If you choose this route, it is advisable to plan an overnight stay in one of the both Refuges.

Dates of the hike

Total distance: 22197 m
Max elevation: 2103 m
Total climbing: 1914 m
Total time: 07:04:39
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