Best view of Monte Cinto

The hike also begins in the Forêt de Bonifatu, either at the Maison de la Forêt or, if you come by bike, at the end of the Piste de Roncu.

The first section follows the path towards Refuge de Carozzu parallel to the Ruisseau de Figarella and later the Ruisseau de Lamitu. Before you reach the refuge, you will meet the GR20 (stage 3). Here you turn right into the Spasimata Valley and cross the river via the Passerelle de Spasimata, a suspension bridge.
The path continues up the valley, partly over very smooth slabs of rock. In the wet, ice or snow, the section is life-threatening, even if there are steel chains as a backup!

Lac de la Muvrella, framed by mountains, is further up the trail, but the water is not suitable for drinking.
After a few more meters of altitude on a rocky section, you will reach the Bocca di a Muvrella. There you have a good view of the path covered.

Now it’s only a few rocky meters over to the Bocca di Stagnu.
The view of the opposite mountain range with the highest mountains in Corsica such as Monte Cinto is overwhelming. In the valley you can almost touch the Refuge d’Asco-Stagnu. That would be the goal of the 3rd stage of the GR20.
Our path leads the same route back down into the valley to the starting point.

Dates of the hike

Total distance: 17106 m
Max elevation: 1983 m
Total climbing: 1509 m
Total time: 07:34:16
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