Calvi's local mountain

There are several ways to reach this summit. I have described a circular route here that starts in Calvi and leads from the north-east to the mountain, which is just over 700 m high. If you have less time, you can drive to the Chapelle ND de la Serra and start from there.
In any case, you will be rewarded for the ascent with wonderful impressions.

In Calvi, the trail goes past the Hotel Corsica, then along a dirt road and a small road up to the Calvi water reservoir. This is where the narrow path through the maquis begins. Apart from a few arbousiers, the strawberry trees that grow everywhere in the maquis and offer a delicious snack in between, there is hardly any shade on the tour. An early start in summer and sufficient drinking water supply are therefore advisable. The air is often clearer in the morning and the view at the summit is better.

You follow the path to the saddle between the two peaks Capu di a Veta and Capu di a Conca. If you feel like it, you can make a detour to the left to the 725 m high Capu di a Conca.

The view is worth it and the summit is far less frequented. However, the path is very narrow and lined with macchia plants, which can leave some scratches on your legs.

But no matter which peak, on a clear day you can see the highest mountains in Corsica, such as Monte Cinto and the striking Paglia Orba. You can also see Monte Grosso and very rarely, if you’re lucky, the Gulf of Genoa across the Revellata peninsula. The view of the west coast is also worth seeing. There you will discover the old semaphore of the same name at Capu di Cavallo.

The descent leads in a northerly direction, initially a little steeper, later on normal paths past the Chapelle ND de la Serra back to Calvi. If the water supply has run out – a few meters to the left of the access road to the small church there is a spring.

Data of the tour

Total distance: 15606 m
Max elevation: 687 m
Total climbing: 921 m
Total time: 04:36:56
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