Through the villages of western Balagne

This route is best suited for a sunny Sunday morning to get to know and enjoy the area. The road to L’Île-Rousse is also the quietest at this time and you don’t necessarily need a mountain bike as the entire tour is on roads.
However, there are many paths and alternative routes for MTB, which are described in other tours.

For me, this tour was about seeing a lot of the Balagne – first the coast via Lumio, Algajola almost to L’Île-Rousse. Then we went inland with the picturesque mountain villages of Sant Reparata, Muro, San Cesareo, Montemaggiore, Zilia, Calenzana and Moncale.

In any case, you will come back with many beautiful impressions and the Sunday meal tastes twice as good – after 1300 meters in altitude.

Data of the tour

Total distance: 83107 m
Max elevation: 527 m
Total climbing: 1467 m
Total time: 06:31:40
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