Colourful stones - cool water

The Fango Valley is also on the west coast. The route from Calvi to Galéria is often included in the tours and is always worth seeing for me. The steep coast with its rugged rocks, bays and the crystal-clear sea is simply fantastic.

After the bridge just before Galéria, turn left and head towards Manso. Depending on the sun, the stones and washed-out rocks on the river shine in a wide variety of colours. There are many opportunities to go down to the river and swim in the pools. The water is crystal clear and refreshingly cool even in summer. After all, the sources of the rivers that flow together to form Le Fango are at almost 2000 m.

If you continue to follow the road you will come to Manso, a very beautiful mountain village. Further up in Barghjiana, keep right at the church and follow the forest path. This can be climbed by MTB up to almost 700 m until it becomes a pure hiking trail. In the still pristine nature here, you will hardly meet anyone, except maybe a wild boar.

Back down the Fango valley and after the bridge turn right up the valley over the Bocca di Marsulinu (443 m) back to Calvi.

Data of the tour

Total distance: 106899 m
Max elevation: 658 m
Total climbing: 1647 m
Total time: 07:16:39
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