At The Beach

The Bay of Calvi offers welcome refreshment on hot days or after physical activity. The water is mostly crystal clear and the sandy seabed extends far out into the bay. The water invites you to swim and do water sports. If you swim or snorkel with goggles, you will see various fish and sea creatures. In the summer of 2022, a manta ray more than 3 meters long swam right under me – a fascinating experience.

It should not go unmentioned that jellyfish sometimes, albeit very rarely in the summer, lurk in the bay. The phenomenon occurs everywhere in the Mediterranean and probably depends on the nutrient supply. This can sometimes be observed after a storm or stronger wind. A few glances into the water when going in and wearing goggles when swimming further out are good prevention measures. Luckily there are never so many that it could be dangerous, but it is still annoying when you come into contact with a jellyfish.

I enjoy being close to the sea and swim almost every day. As everywhere in the great outdoors, a healthy level of respect and attention is of course also appropriate in the sea, then you can fully enjoy the impressions that arise.


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